Well, a lot of news
this week, but so little time!
I got transferred. I am in Rivas, Nicaragua and
man it is hot!!! My companion is Elder Arevalo from Salvador, and he just finished
his training. He's awesome. I like him a lot. I'm also with Elder Merrill and his companion. We are in a 4-some so we work in the same area and stay in the same house.
Thank goodness our house is decently nice. But it's sweet that I'm with Merrill. We never thought we would be companions. He's a stud!
I hope you guys are
having a good time in California. I'm sorry I couldn't really make it this year,
so it's not gonna be as fun... also conference was super good especially cause
we got to watch it in English.
It was kinda sad
leaving all the people in my other area. I was with them the last 4 1/2 months. I really grew a love for those people in Ticuantepe.
(Hno. Armando Villalobo. He has diabetes and has giant ulcers and tumors on his feet, making it very difficult to walk.)
(Hermana Rosa (in the white) and her son Luis Enrique. The other lady is a member of the church. Hermana Rosa should be getting married to her boyfriend soon, and she and her son should be getting baptized in May.)
(Hermand Justina and Ariel who are two of the converts Elder Copeland was able to help baptize.)
(Celfida, Flor, Junior, and Estaban (four more converts) and the rest of the kids. One of the girls should be getting baptized soon.)
(Familia Hernandez. They were inactive when Elder Copeland got in this area, but he and his companion started reading The Book of Mormon with them as a family. They are now active. Elder Copeland says they are an "awesome family!")
(Familia Bataya)
(Familia Cardenal. Elder Copeland gave the two children the shirts they are wearing.)
(Enoc and Eddy Lopez)
(Familia Ecclantes)
But now I am on the next
step of my mission. We will see what the Lord has in store for me here in
This past week I completely lost my voice from Monday-Friday. I literally couldn't talk. It blew, but I'm all good now.
Also, Mom, sorry I don't have much time, but happy birthday. I cant believe you're finally 30!<3
You're the best mom in the world, and I couldn't ask for anyone better. I hope
someday I can find myself a wife like you. Thank you for everything. I can
never thank you enough. I hope you have an incredible day!
(Elder Copeland's mother, Angie)
For conference, i watched every session except Priesthood session cause we didn't have
(Elder Merrill and Elder Copeland "chillin" in the Bishop's Office--with air conditioning!--watching conference.)
First, one thing, before my mission I always took General Conference for granted, but wow how lucky are we to have these men called of
God to guide us through this dark and dreary world. Today, we need to decide
what we really believe and then put this belief into action because our actions
are the evidence if we believe or not. On my mission, I am just trying to
please my Heavenly Father cause in the end he is my eternal judge and no one
else. "If God is with me, who can be against me?" -Romans 8:31. We
are not perfect, but thanks to the Savior's atonement, we can and will be healed because I am a sinner that tries to do better each day of my life. It is by
grace that we are saved after ALL that we can do. What does it mean, after all
that I can do? And have I done all that I can do?
1. Don't forget to
2. Come unto Christ
and be perfected in Him
3. Press forward with
4. The Book of Mormon
is the key to spiritual protection
5. Don't be distracted
or deceived
6. Stay by the tree (Tree of Life)
"Have I done any
good in the world today?
Have I helped anyone
in need?
...if not I have
failed indeed"
I love you guys and
hope you enjoy your spring break.
Elder Copeland
(This picture is of
the new elders in Elder Copeland's district.)
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